Navigating Western Bus Station

Bishkek’s Western Bus Station is confusing for both travelers and locals. It is a big area with multiple different bus bays with specific buses going to different areas of Krygyzstan and other countries.

To help you navigate and know where to get a specific bus/marshrutka to your planned destination (Such as Bishkek to Karakol, Osh, Naryn, Almaty and Tashkent), Apple Hostel has created an easy-to-understand map so you know where to go.

Please have a look at the Bishkek’s Western Bus Station map below:

Western Bus Station map

Night buses to Karakol and Tashkent

If you are planning to go to Karakol or Tashkent during the night, you can buy tickets in the main building (service counters are towards the back and on the east/right side of the building). It is recommended that you purchase the tickets in advance.

Website for Western Bus Station Schedule

To find out about common bus routes (and prices) at Bishkek Western Bus Station, visit the website ‘Avtobeket’ here.

(Note: Many scheduled bus times can be approximated times as most buses depart only when it is full.)

Note the website is not in English so you will need to translate it (via Google Chrome browser). Below is a translated page to give you an idea of the information provided (click on the image to enlarge it).

Bishkek Western Bus Station website schedule
Western Bus Schedule (and pricing) as of November 2019.

If you have any questions about transport at Bishkek Western Bus Station, please contact us.

Phone number / WhatsApp: +996 553 280 881


Apple Hostel Bishkek address: Chymkentskaya 1B, Bishkek 720030, Kyrgyzstan

Social media: Facebook | Instagram